Want to coach AL-Pakka?

HRD’s AL-Pakka is looking for coaches for the 2020 spring season. The decision of appointing the new coach(es) is on the team.

ALpakka is the recreational team of Helsinki Roller Derby. In AL-Pakka, everyone can enjoy roller derby without the pressure of competition, it also provides support to skaters who are aiming to play in the travel

The coaching crew consists of 1 to 3 coaches. You will also have 3 team captains to support you.

Job description for the coaching crew:

  • Season planning for the recreational team
  • Planning the training schedule, executing the plan together and being present at the training sessions.
  • Discussions and feedback with players during the season, and follow-up of the progress of the players.
  • Feedback to the Team Selection Committee.
  • Being part of the team in any upcoming games

The selected coaching crew can share the tasks within the crew, finding the most suitable task for everyone, taking their know-how and interests into consideration.

This season, the members of the travel teams will coach the Saturday trainings, so AL-Pakka is looking for a coach to hold the Wednesday practises.

Send your application to trainer@helsinkirollerdeby.com by 6.2.2020 and write AL-Pakka in the subject field. The coach will be selected by 10.2.2020.
